maandag 24 januari 2011

Need your help!~


I really need the help of all of you. As you all know, Kaya's world is designed for girls from the age 9 till 12. I designed 1 girl, with 2 different faces. I actually don't know which face to choose, so I hope you can help me out?

I'm also showing you the begin of my design for the make up game (:


6 opmerkingen:

  1. ~Wow that´s some really nice artwork you have there o.O! I would go for the second girl^^ Game wise, this girl has more potential as being a shy girl n_n Keep up the good work!

  2. Nice work! I think you should use both faces, because they have different expressions with their eyes.

  3. ^Thanks Tare!~ Hmm that's a good one. You just brought me on a idea :D

  4. I would choose the first one, because you design this game for girls between 9-12 years old. They don't want the shy look, they want the tough and sexy look. Children these days want to grow up too much >.>

    Really like it already!

  5. ^Thank you! Ye, I was thinking about that to.. they are still so young, but want to grow up so fast :o
